
A Craigslist Thanksgiving meal

A generous Denver couple put a posting on craigslist for Thanksgiving at their home.
Many responded. Very cool story.

a little more google searching brought me to Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.
http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/20721.asp Very interesting story.
Today, there are Craigslists in some 550 cities in 50 countries and more than 12 billion page views a month, making it the eighth most-visited English-language site. He's been credited for almost single-handedly killing the newspaper industry by offering free online classifieds. But Craig Newmark's success boils down to what he calls "a pleasant accident."
I've been searching Craigslist lately for a loveseat. I find it interesting to browse the ads just to see what people are selling & how outrageously priced they might have something priced. Craigslist is international by now, and in every US state. Chicago's craiglist has proven unsuccessful for me in selling some things. There's just too many people!


thought I was done with the political stuff, eh?
not quite. my Dad forwards Gary Bauer's emails to me. Thought my readers should see this.

Monday, November 10, 2008
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer

Words Matter, Part II

To supporters of President-elect Barack Obama, he is an orator gifted with a silver tongue, JFK reincarnated. We received two disturbing examples over the weekend that suggest his learning curve could be steeper than previously thought.

At a Friday press conference, President-elect Obama was asked if he had reached out to ex-presidents for their advice and counsel. Obama responded, “I have spoken to all of them who are living. I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.” Nancy Reagan never held séances. It was Hillary Clinton who claimed she had “conversations” with Eleanor Roosevelt. Obama reportedly called Nancy Reagan to apologize for his “careless and offhanded remark.” Obama aides said the conversation went well, but aides to Mrs. Reagan suggest otherwise.

Here is a far more serious example. Last week, the president of Poland called Obama to offer his congratulations and seek reassurances that the United States would not abandon its commitment to deploy a missile defense system in Poland. Even with Russia threatening them, the Poles are still seeking U.S. leadership and support.

After their conversation, President Kaczynski released a statement that read, “Barack Obama has underlined the importance of the strategic partnership between Poland and the United States, he expressed his hope of continuing the political and military cooperation between our two countries. He also said the anti-missile shield project would go ahead.” But on Saturday, Obama’s senior foreign policy advisor said, “President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it.”

This is a very disturbing development. When you start making ambivalent statements to heads of state, you are inviting aggression. The world is still a very dangerous place, and our allies must be able to trust us.

Sarah’s Supporters Speak

Campaign aides who worked closely with Governor Sarah Palin are coming to her defense. And unlike the cowards who have anonymously attacked her in the media, Sarah’s supporters are speaking on the record. Here are some quotes from a Politico story this weekend:

* Steve Biegun, a foreign policy advisor who traveled with Palin, said, “I think she was fantastic. She just brought a special energy to our ticket. Look, I was there at those rallies. … I’ve worked in Washington for 20 years, on the Hill, in the White House and in the private sector, and she ranks at the highest levels of decency, kindness and graciousness of anybody I’ve ever worked with.”

* Nicolle Wallace, a senior adviser to McCain told NBC that Palin was “perhaps the most un-diva politician I’ve seen. The only thing I’ve seen her ask for is a diet soda.”

* Tracey Schmitt, a veteran of both Bush campaigns, said, “Gov. Palin was a breath of fresh air, particularly for those of us who've been living in the Washington bubble… She was tireless on the stump and would have shaken every hand on the rope line if there were time.”

* One Capitol Hill McCain aide pointed out that there is a reason Palin has an 80% approval rating in Alaska.

“Change The Face Of World Politics And Economics”

During the campaign, Joe Biden warned, “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama. …we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.” We may not have to wait six months. There are various overseas reports that Al Qaeda is planning a major terrorist attack against the United States – one which will “outdo by far” the atrocities of 9/11 with the objective being to “change the face of world politics and economics.”

This could be a bluff by an organization on the ropes, reeling from a defeat in Iraq, under siege in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But it would also be consistent with past Al Qaeda behavior of striking during times of political transition and testing new leaders early. Also consistent with Al Qaeda tactics would be hitting the same targets, suggesting another attack on New York and Washington, D.C., which would symbolically threaten the “face of world politics and economics.”


oh my cravings!

I don't know where or why, but sometimes I'll get specific cravings for food and I know exactly what I want. The past week after dinner, my sweet tooth is saying this:

See's Scotchmallow! yuu-uh-umm.
I went to Fanny May down the street from me to satisfy this crave, but the guy informs me they stopped making it! But kindly he sampled the dark chocolate marshmallow candy out to me, and it did the trick... for that night.
so upon searching for the name of my desired tastebud craving, here's more of See's delicious-ness (my favorites):

Say hello to Carmel with almonds, Walnut Square & Almond Square. yummy.
Is your mouth watering like mine has been?

Ever since my family lived in California (home of See's Candies) that is our #1 pick for chocolates. It's some good stuff. Some friends used to send us a box every year at Christmas.


from "The Patriot Post"
They'll now have to take responsibility if the economy stays in recession, or if Iraq turns chaotic again after an abrupt U.S. withdrawal. Americans have entrusted Democrats with what will essentially be unrestrained power, and we'll soon see if liberals have learned to govern." --The Wall Street Journal

"Obama Thanks 'Gracious' Press" --Agence France-Presse (Thanks to The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto)

from Gary Bauer "Campaign for Working Families" End of Day Report Nov. 5
That said, the junior senator from Illinois, after just four years of service in the Senate, is now President-elect Obama. The most radical and inexperienced president in history is about to come into power with an expanded Democrat majority in Congress. Will the radical Left be able to restrain its impulse to raise your taxes? Will Obama push for a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, which would destabilize the country, after John McCain, George Bush and General Petraeus have won the war? Will liberal Democrats ram through the Freedom of Choice Act, hate crimes laws, the Fairness Doctrine and a massive amnesty in their first 100 days? We’ll find out soon.



this is very interesting.
Last night I printed out a map with the electoral votes for each state and filled in each state blue or red as they were calling it. (I tried not watching, but there was nothing else for me to do! "if you can't beat em, join em") I stopped filling them in when Obama was at 207 and McCain at 138. Realized mr. O had it b/c California wasn't a battleground state.
I was curious to see the final outcome.

...who knows when my blogging will turn away from politics.

one good thing came of it...

At least a few states got it right. California, Arizona & Florida voted to keep marriage for a man & woman. read more.



The terrorists have 2 months to plan. Biden already spilled the beans on that. 
People, what have you done?! 
All truth will come out in time.
I can't take hearing anything more from that man. 
Seriously America, ugh.
not good.
the poor people that have to work at the White House.
he is not the savior.
okay, let's just review all his promises. that might be difficult because he changed his mind and his words so many times. 
tax cuts?? for middle class. raise taxes on the wealthy.
abortion -- at any term. he's all for killing in the womb.
gay marriage - will be possible.
will he be sworn in on the koran? most likely.
this is scary.
he'll end the war promptly. the lives sacrificed, Lord I hope, will not be for nothing. 
he'll open the doors for all muslims to freely enter our country.
Our economy is going to be kaputs. we will be paying for gas, energy, all bills out of our ears.

God help us. Lord, you are our leader no matter what. We trust in YOU.

I'm reminded of the Fred Hammond song:
"oh Lord, forgive us. Heal our land, as we turn our faces back toward you!
'if my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray!
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven.
I'll forgive their sins, and heal their land'....."


more shocking, disgusting...

I can NOT, not, not not not... believe that he has even gotten this far in the campaign. Thanks to his terrorist friends and funding via ACORN this anti-American is still in the race to actually become president. I can not believe how blind soo many (what I thought were) intelligent people have been caught up with him?!!?
Here's more info that leaks out about him. The media is covering so much up. Why?!?

Sept 2008 Gen. Bill Ginn USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain why he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. The General stated to the Senator that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. At the very least, 'Stand and Face It.' Senator Obama replied, "As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides, there are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it. We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we as a Nation of warring people, should conduct ourselves as the nations of Islam, whereas peace prevails, perhaps a state or period of mutual concord between our governments. When I become President, I will seek a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation have placed upon the nations of Islam an unfair injustice. My wife disrespects the Flag for many personal reasons. Together she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past, many years ago."

  • First of all "I'd like to teach the world to sing" is the most corny, cheeziest song. Are you kidding me? National Anthem? DING DONG. 
  • And, taking sides? uh, because becoming president isn't taking sides? Just what are your plans?
  • Obsurd: the American flag is a symbol of oppression? Seriously? what planet are you on. MOR-ON.
  • Secondly, who in their right mind would say "sure, the president of my country doesn't have to salute our flag. That's just an old tradition." Now that is politically incorrect. But it seems the media and the left has it the other way around(?)
  • Great, the guy running for president burns his own country's flag, admits to it and still has a following.  ...Is this happening?
Have you caught my drift yet?! no? ok, here's more.

Here's a snippet that I thought was wonderfully stated from Gary Bauer's 10-29-08 End of Day:

"Instead, after going through the longest campaign in history, all I see is a far left Chicago liberal who bought his house with help from a convicted felon, who worshipped in the church of a crazed pastor who cursed our country and whose friendships include way too many anti-American radicals and terrorist sympathizers. And now, far from offering us hope, he is offering us socialism, and his campaign is riddled with scandals."

And from today's End of Day:

'Today, I have two op-eds published. In the Washington Times, you can read my thoughts on the importance of this election to the courts and the culture war. USA Today picked up on the same theme today, noting, “A single court appointee could decide whether abortion laws become more restrictive or more permissive and whether Roe v. Wade remains the law.” '

Keep America, America people! Land of the free, home of the brave. (not roll overs) Don't let it turn into a doormat for the world -- not to mention terrorists to come on in and kill us all b/c that's their beliefs!

I really don't know that I can say anything more, but you never know what else may come to surface.

*vote McPalin! ;)*


wake up, voters

Obama sure can speak out of both sides of his mouth with much ease.
Lest not I forget to mention his amazing skill of back-pedaling as well. 
"The Post-American World" -- (it's a muslim view).
ok, let's review: the extremist muslims were the ones who attacked our country on September 11, 2001. The muslims hate the United States. 
review time is over.

now THAT, people, is something to be cautious of! Do you want a man for president just b/c his best quality is that he is "eloquent"???
So, I'm sure he'll be eloquent when he has one foot in Washington and one foot in Saudi Arabia too, huh?
Economy, economy, economy. Sure, we're in a tough crunch right now. but this surely can't last forever. Do you want our awesome country to be torn down to a crumble just because we were in a tough economic time, so we went with the more eloquent guy?
Hello people - here is your WAKE UP CALL!
WHO are you voting for. what are their standards? B/c THAT is what they will be taking to Washington, not the economy. and just b/c some guy is elected to office, doesn't mean he'll save the economy with a magic wand. Neither of them have a superman's cape on saying "Economy Savior." 
  • one is (sooooo) Pro-abortion. THAT MEANS he believes in killing babies.  [obama]
  • the other is pro-life. he is FOR that baby - he wants to give that child a chance to live. to be adopted, to be loved. give the child a chance to live. [mccain]
  • one has (many, many) ties to the middle east. and is quick to side-step the questions directly relating to that. [duh, obama]
  • one has many years of service to the country. probably more years than the other candidate has been alive for. He served in the military; was a prisoner of war; and has been involved in politics for many years now. [mccain, duh.]
* Let me make it even more plain and simple: McCain is the old white guy. Obama is the half black - half white guy, but denies any white ties or relations whatsoever.

So readers of this blog - heed the warnings, it's been plainly laid out for you. please use your head. who do you want to be the leader of your country as your children grow up.

and yes, I watched some of the debate tonight-- thus spurring this entry!


143 days of experience

couldn't pass this one up:

   You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and 
become district manager after 143 days of experience. 

   You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 
days of experience of being a surgeon. 
   You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the 
superintendent after 143 days of experience. 
   You couldn't join the military and become a 
colonel after a 143 days of experience. 
   You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become 
the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience. 


From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in  the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.  After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief,  Leader of the  Free World .... 143 days. 

We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a  start. 

AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America? 
Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol! 

NOTE: If Barack Obama would apply for a job with the FBI or with the Secret Service, he would be disqualified because of his past associations with people like William Ayers, a known terrorist. As well as his admitted drug use. For this same reasons, he would be disqualified from joining the military. If he is elected President, he would not qualify to be his own body guard!

What's in the heart comes out via the tongue!
From Rush Limbaugh's radio show? yesterday.....
Hey, folks, you want to tweak the Drive-By Media with me right now?
You are aware, probably, that Barack Obama lost his bearings recently and said that he was going to campaign in all 57 states.
You heard this?? And most everybody chalked it up to, 'Well, he's tired.'

You know, this is a Dan Quayle moment.? I mean, Dan Quayle goes out there and misspells? 'potato,' and we still hear jokes about it.

Barack Obama says he's gonna go out and campaign in 57 states!? He was just tired, you know, it's been such a long campaign, he's been so many places, he probably thinks there are 57 states.

Well, I have here a printout from a web site called the International Humanist and Ethical Union.

And here is how the second paragraph of an article on that website begins.

'Every year from 1999 to 2005 the organization of the Islamic conference representing the 57 Islamic states presented a resolution to the United Nations Commission on human rights called commbating.'

Obama said he's going to campaign in 57 states, and it turns out that there are 57 Islamic states.

There are 57 Islamic states!
So did Obama just lose his bearings, or was this a more telling slip, ladies and gentlemen?


An American Carol

About time this kind of movie was written... it looks hilarious.
Opens Oct. 3rd.
I had seen Kevin Farley before in a commercial [hertz] and thought
he looked a lot like Chris Farley (also thought oh please, someone
trying to imitate Chris Farley); I didn't realize he was actually his
brother! those are some funny Farley boys.

p.s. happy anniversary, Mom & Dad! Love ya!


the reality has hit me

Seriously people. Obama is and has socialist views & values.
It hit me tonight when I saw him on The Factor talking with Bill O'Reilly (Part 2 of their conversation). It came clear when Bill was calling him on his socialist views, then when Obama-your-mama (it's after Bill mentions 'income redistribution') says, "look at what happened in Bejing. These folks are building and we got sewer lines that are crumbling and at a certain point we've got to pay for it." DIRECT QUOTE. (he's very impressed with Beijing's infrastructure.) He was idealizing the way things are in Beijing, China ... (and they're COMMUNIST!!!)

O'Reilly: "Both senators Obama and McCain are promising to heal the economy."... "McCain supports tax cuts-- the trickle down approach. Obama wants the government to stimulate the economy from the bottom up." (direct quote right before the viewing of Pt.2)

The big idea here is if you make less money and I make more I should be "neighborly" and give my money to you. That is the opposite of capitalism where you work hard and earn your own buck. So, the US has repair problems in our country, here's his solution: 'let's take money from the rich people, give it to the poor so we can even it out for everyone.'
he's basically saying you make enough money you rich people, I'm going to turn it into taxes and use it for the country. so what keeps the rich from thinking, "why work hard then if i'm going to have to give away the money I earn?"
Let it be known I am not even close to being in the rich category... I'm far from it.

keep in mind, too that he is the most liberal senator. WHY? Democrats, why would you elect your most liberal for the Commander in Chief?! find some middle ground.

btw, Obama is shakin in his boots now that Palin is on the board! my thoughts after seeing him on the show tonight:
- obama has control issues. telling Bill "go ahead" -- when Bill is the interviewer, and "let me finish Bill."
- I love it how Bill calls him on his fumbling.

who's got the You Tube video on this?! go to you tube and search "obama on o'reilly" look for part 2.

Americans would freak out if their freedom was stripped from them. That's what would happen if Obama took office, first we'd become socialist and that is a scary dirty path to communism. I'm not kidding. That O.B. package is a scary thing. have you heard about Michelle Obama's college thesis? not something to take lightly people.
more of these signs can be viewed or purchased found here.
here's part one of the interview:

I thought Bill was very fair. Within the first minute Obama starts off pretty agreeable with O'Reilly.
Notice his very correct pronunciation of the taliban and pakistan and other muslim names. Shows he cares to not mis-pronounce their names, and shows he has been with them (as we all know)
Also, notice his body language when Bill O'Reilly asks him "Do you believe we are in a war on terror?" Obama: "yes." O'Reilly: "Who's the enemy?" Obama looks down before he says Al Qaeda... it's in the first 45 seconds of the video.

he's such a flip-flopper. It is true (Jessica), he cannot go unscripted.

"Cause only you can stop this stut-stut-stut-stut-stuttering"

...is it clear I feel strongly that this guy should NOT be America's president?! He has no patriotism!
Enough with the Obama-hatin. My notes will now reflect on my admiration of Sarah Palin- she is awe-some! and my support for McCain/Palin.


Sarah Palin rocks.

Sarah Palin's speech last night was so awesome. she hit them square in the middle of the eyes. I love that straight talk-- no fluffy, hype-up stuff. Never before have I been truly inspired by a candidate. I have been very energized, excited, and proud of past [BUSHs] candidates, but she actually inspired me as a female - I thought, "wow, I could become governor!"

Go McCain/Palin 08!!!

Sarah Palin's speech last night was so awesome. she hit them square between the eyes. I couldn't have agreed more. I love that straight talk-- no fluffy, hyped-up, kiss up stuff. That's how it should be. You shouldn't have to figure out what a candidate is really saying under all their words.
I found some phrases that were great.

Teachers, Worker unions, and to all other deceived... please do not be deceived. Think about your values. 1st of all, do you value LIFE?! Do you really value paying more taxes?? these are the issues at hand.

these are some quotes from Obama "your mama"... (I will preface this by telling you I got this from a forwarded email, but I do not doubt the content of it. It goes with his "values.")

Below are a few lines from Obama's "books" in his own words:

From Dreams of My Father:

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race."

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."

"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

From Dreams of My Father:

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."

From Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

He doesn't have the experience to be the president of our country. 
Don't get me wrong I have nothing against a black person becoming president. what I do have a problem with is his ties with Jeremiah Wright, all of his many muslim connections (and his defensiveness for them), and his anti-white kind of talk. 

There's no doubt McCain knows what he's talking about, he certainly has the experience, has the heart and truely cares about our country. The same goes for Sarah Palin!

so people, get your facts straight. Vote with your gut. Vote with the elephants, ok?!

Have you noticed the media bias?? Last week during the Democratic convention (at least the Chicago local news) the first story each night was Obama, Obama, Obama. This week, there's been stories about the Chicago schooling issues, the [non-news] of hurricane Gustav. And then following last night's killer speech by Sarah Palin, they reported it, and the very next story was about Obama. Last week McCain wasn't mentioned a lick in the news. 
Media Bias!!!


more Olympics

why I really enjoy the Olympics:

the heartfelt stories behind each athlete.
the passion and dedication of each athlete for their sport.
all the statistics, facts, world records, etc.

here are some stats: from good ol nbc 5 chicago

Olympic Figures and Facts

1,000: Number of all-time Olympic gold medals USA reached after women's soccer team's win on August 21. 922 of those gold medals have been won at Summer Games. (Source: USOC)

4: Number of field goal attempts by Jason Kidd in six USA bsketball games (He has made all of them.)

0.2: Number of seconds gap between Usain Bolt and 2nd place finisher Richard Thompson in the 100m dash final. (Tied for largest winning margin in the event)

0.66: That gap between Bolt and official runner-up Shawn Crawford in the 200m dash final. (Largest ever.)

20: Number of years since a U.S. woman had won a medal in single sculls rowing. Michelle Guerette won a silver in Beijing.

108: Margin of victory, in pounds, for Korean super-heavyweight weightlifter Jang Mi-ran, over nearest competitor, Ukraine's Olha Korobka.

25: Number of world records set in swimming in Beijing


The Olympics!

The 2008 Olympics in Beijing are in full swing, and I can't take my eyes off the tv! I always have enjoyed watching the Olympics. Not only because it's inspiring, and the feeling of pride for your country, but I guess what gets me most are the opening ceremonies - where literally the world comes together. I know not every single country is represented, but so many are -- all standing on the same floor. It's incredible to me. (and of course Beijing's was amazing to watch.)
I have liked watching the swimming and gymnastics events. I was on the swim team in high school, so it makes it that much more interesting. I also did track in junior high. That's always loaded with excitement to watch.
I would absolutely love to go to the Olympics some year. That would be pretty cool.



I haven't enjoyed going to the gym lately. a home gym is sounding really nice. (if i only had the thousands of dollars to make that a reality!)

At the gym: getting checked out is nice for my ego, but kind of gets tiresome. all the smells aren't too inspiring. the stuffy, musty air. the blaring music (someone elses' picks, not mine), 
Working out is kind of a personal thing. and to have to do it with many 'bored' eyes watching. Plus all that you do see (and never ever wanted to see). if i had one
of these (flip video) boy, i'd have some funny clips to post on you tube.

i enjoy working out. i do not enjoy battling the congested traffic just to get there. today it took me 13 mins to drive 3.3 miles to the gym. ridiculous. at the gym: all the smells, all the possible diseases passed, (skin diseases? yuck!) sharing of machines. broken treadmills that sound like you're dragging a pig behind you or something. vying for my turn on the chest press, the gym's music picks that are blaring over the speakers. many many reasons why i just don't enjoy my visits there.
oh well it's better than passing out in the heat+humidity deadly combo IL has going for it.

here's one home gym that looks real nice.

cell phone contacts

it's funny to me how long some people keep a contact in their phone. Me? I delete them kinda quickly. No one lingers who doesn't belong on my phone. if you're on my phone then you have 'status' with me. (and those of you know who you are!) I know i have the ability to have 99 contacts, but I like to keep it cleaned up. b/c I'm just like that, tidy. it makes life simpler. I just got a text recently from someone i haven't seen or spoken to in a year. lucky for anyone who's ever been a contact of mine (aren't you so "special") that i do hang on to the number. i save it in my computer. so i had to look up who this random texter was from. This happened another time, she was a good friend of mine in college. I had no idea she still maybe considered me a friend. so one night i got a text from her. and i actually wrote back and said "who is this?" no, i didn't get a reply. but i did eventually find her number and figure out who it was. i kind of felt bad. (Congrats on the marriage Jackie!) 

so speaking of, i do think fondly on all past and old friendships I've had. I will just take the time to say you know who you are -- good friends of mine. I do think fondly on all my past friendships. Moving, and moving and .... moving has separated me from many that I never wanted to be separated from. As well as just life changes, including the non-expected changes. including the unfair changes. From people i used to work with, to people from various churches, to friends from school. ode to all my friends. keep in touch on facebook. i really never have wanted to say bye.



I've had fun watching the show "wipeout" on abc. it's on Tuesday evenings. I've missed a few shows and actually have gone onto abc's website to watch them online. they're good for a good laugh! The announcers are absolutely hilarious and totally make the show. Jill (the spokesperson for Mercury) is funny to watch her down on the course laughing at the contestants, too.
Here's a good sample to 'wet' your appetite.

I also had to add this one in. this first girl is only one of two that i've seen make it across the 'big balls'.


for now...

this will do for now.


I like music. No, I love music. maybe obsessed. I have 5,701 songs in my itunes and 138 items waiting to join the group in my itunes shopping cart. (That is $127.88 just incase you're wondering and want to drop that money in my lap, which would make me very happy.) Anyway, what I'm introducing is the music I've added to my page. I spent an entire evening adding 54 songs. I'm tired but I don't want to stop, b/c i like music. and it's fun. Music can energize me, it can soothe, it can be that 'sweet spot' when you've got that one song in your head and just can't wait to turn on the stereo and crank that song.
so, enjoy a "few" of my favorites.
(thanks dana, I saw this on your blog and enjoyed the music!)


michigan chip

So how much could I get for this michigan shaped chip on ebay? "I pulled it out of the bag just like this!" (no, really I did. and on July 4th, too)


Glenn Beck video

this is so true, and amazing to look back at how oil prices have progressed.
and very sad. I remember my senior year of high school on a visit to MO gas was 89 cents. that was 10 years ago.


10 year high school reunion

well, it's time for my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe I'm that old! I actually have the choice of going to 3 different reunions. My first high school I went to until I was a junior. Second high school was junior to first month of senior year, then we moved to IL, where I went til I finished. I'm for sure not going to my IL high school reunion, b/c I knew no one. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to Bismarck, ND or to Seattle. It would be fun to see my old friends though. 


4th of July

The USA is 232 years old! Happy Birthday America. Land of the free, home of the brave.


church shopping

upon our quest to find a church to attend...
there are a few elements of a church that really stand out to me after a visit, and just thought I'd share...

the main one is friendliness. --how friendly a church is. Many times in a service there will be a brief moment to turn around and greet the people sitting around you. At one church, I was quite disgusted because I had actually been there 3 other times previously and not ONE person said hi or greeted me from the time when I walked in the doors to when I walked out. I left with a feeling of "would any of them even care that I just went to their church?" Another church stands out in my memory. I've gone twice, and both times (someone actually shook hands with me during 'greet time') but the overall feel of the rest of the people was stuck up and unfriendly. That is not something that attracts me to a church! This past time I was by myself, and lingered in the lobby quite awhile, and no one even said a hi. One person smiled at me, later, looking at the visitor brochures, I discover he's on staff. (score: one point)

Secondly what I find important is the speaking (preaching). It's got to have substance, make me think and be challenging. It's tough to beat what I've grown up with-- my Dad, an awesome speaker, always has a great substance-filled messages with a good action step at the end. (As well as my brother, I might add, who also grew up hearing my father.)

Thirdly, and very close to second, is the worship. I've got to have the urge to "tap my foot." Good music quality, and the vocals have to be at least on key(!) with a presence on the stage, worshiping, not up there just to observe "who's here at church today?"

I'm not new at church shopping, I've done it another time. These are some thoughts that have conjured up in my head. I just thought I'd share for any pastors or whoever to read.


09 chryslers

the new 2009 Chrysler vehicles will offer wifi in them! (for a monthly fee of course)
sa-weeet! if you're carpooling or on a long trip (not as the driver obviously... or i hope not!) 
how cool would it be to be able to surf the web, send emails, etc all from inside the car!
read more here.
here's some more.
what's funny though, is people are going to know how to spot these brand new 09's and tail them to try to connect onto their wifi.


music thru the night

I enjoy listening to Music Thru the Night. I remember listening to it with my sister 15 years ago when we would be getting ready for bed in the bathroom on 104.7 KNDR.
Mike Kellogg has such a cool voice. The show comes on at midnight and plays all through the night (thus, Music thru the night). 
I always thought (from his voice) that he was so much older, but if you look at his picture, he doesn't look as old as I thought.
I caught the show last night, and realized I hadn't listened to it for awhile. It's just like a staple.

Psalm 94

20 Can unjust leaders claim that God is on their side-- 
leaders whose decrees permit injustice?
21 They gang up against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord is my fortress;
my God is the mighty rock where I hide.
23 God will turn the sins of evil people back on them.
He will destroy them for their sins.
The Lord our God will destroy them.


gym pet peeves

annoyances at the gym:
  • when people have loud conversations either while on treadmills or just standing there. (especially when they carry on for a few minutes!)
  • loud music overhead, to where i can't even hear my mp3.
  • annoying music overhead
  • when my mp3 runs out of battery. and i just can't finish running w/o my music!
  • strong "burly" man (aka steroids?) who thinks he's the only one there, either singing out loud with his mp3 or making all sorts of noises. (you know what i mean)
  • all the testosterone 
  • when people are on the treadmill, and have the incline up to about 10, and are holding on for dear life to the top of the treadmill, all the while reading a magazine. (what good is it when you're hanging on to the treadmill like that?)
  • when people 'flatulate' next to you, then look around like, "was that you?"
  • when the heart rate monitors don't pick up your heart rate (those silver things you grip on the treadmill handles) or when you have to hold on to them forever and it's not reading. and then if it does, it says only like 50 ... while you're huffing & puffing, it's telling you you're not even in the cardiovascular zone! and you're thinking "yes i am!"
and WHY: 
  • why do some people show up to the gym and actually go thru a whole work out wearing jeans? that does not make sense to me.
  • why (it seems quite counter-productive) watching someone get into their car or just before they get out of their car to go work out, suck on their last puff of cigarette or drink some pop. it's counter-productive people!!!
So in conclusion, working out is good. it's worth it. it makes you feel better after you work out, you get into shape. But I've got to say I think I'd much rather have my own gym at home.



I just can't get enough of this song today. It's on repeat for the 7th time...
I came across this singer's page on myspace about a year ago, and not only is she very pretty, but she has a beautiful voice too.

Brooke Fraser, originally from New Zealand, is involved with Hillsong United.
I'd say she is an up and coming artist, but I think she's already come. I'm pretty sure she's kind of a big deal now. If you haven't heard of her than, where have you been?   
wikipedia link
She has 2 albums out and available on itunes: What to do with daylight and Albertine


my ring

Story time: Let me tell you why my ring is special to me.

About a year and a half ago, I was at work, performed my regular office duties, finished the work day then went to a local college in town to do my laundry. Sat in a friend's dorm room while my last load was drying. I glance at my hand and "huh?" then *Gasp!* a diamond is missing from my ring!!! ahh! My mind raced to think of all the places it could have fallen out: in the tub of the washer (it's gone for sure!) I retraced every step I had taken thru the dorm, out to my car, in my car, in my trunk, in my laundry basket. Sure it's a small diamond, but I can't afford to replace it... 'how much would a minuscule diamond cost?' Anyway, pretty discouraged and perplexed, I went home. (searched my apartment.... no luck). I think I called my parents. I prayed and prayed I'd find it.About a week later, I'm at work in the copy room, what else than making copies. I go to load more white paper, b/c that's what secretarial duties are don't-cha know. I notice there's something between the paper........ I lift a stack of about 75 pages of white copy paper from about 200 pages..... what is it?.... hmm, it looks like a diamond. I go around and ask all the married ladies on staff if they had lost a diamond from their ring. Then I think, could it be? I slipped it into the missing slot and... it fits. ..... MY DIAMOND! I could NOT believe it. I jumped up and down, squealed, thanked God over and over and then told everyone my amazing story.

So now if you catch me looking at my ring, not only am I admiring it, but I'm checking to make sure all diamonds are where they should be!

(this ring is my purity ring. I had picked it out fall of 03 at a JC Penny's. my previous purity ring was a $7 Avon book find that had become quite tarnished.)


I'm an apple owner.

It's finally official. I am the proud owner of a new Macbook. This has been a loooong time comin.
But do not fret, I have not joined the cult. I have not lite my candle off of anyone else's.

yay for me! I am thoroughly enjoying my newby.
I like how fast it is and especially how quiet it is! woohoo. But my checkbook has dissipated to $0.00 ... actually to a negative. but money is replaceable, right?


ipod case

so i just got my very first ipod. I'm very excited to put it to use. Apple has tons of extras you can buy to dazzle up your ipod, or keep it organized or keep it safe from busting.
In my usual savvy way, I made my own ipod case...

If you'd like one let me know. For a small fee I can customize it to your liking.


Happy Father's Day Bops!

It's Father's Day. About 8-9 years ago, we bought my dad a willow tree for Father's Day b/c it's his favorite tree. It was fun to see how big the tree has grown. 
I'm thankful for an honorable man as my father. He is a godly, honest man that I admire. 
Love ya Dad. Happy Father's Day.


EURO 2008 uefa

This is my second football (soccer) post. I just have to say I love to watch it. I think it's the only sport that when I come across it on espn, I stop, sit and watch the whole game.
I love watching it. Right now I'm watching Italy vs. Romania Live! I feel so connected to the world, i love it.

What I like about soccer (football) is the clock only stops for halftime. it doesn't stop after someone has made a goal, or when the ball goes out of bounds or when someone is down. I like how there are no commercials. Both teams walk out at the same time at the beginning of the game. The energy of the game. I love how each player walks out holding a little kids' hand. (i'm writing this with my eyes on the tv. Romania's goalie is really good, but so is Italy's, Buffon.) I love how cultural it is. I guess I just need to save up some/ enough money to move overseas and live over there. The score is 1-1. Mutu (Romania) was upset he missed his penalty shot.
the game is just awesome b/c it's constantly going. if you take your eyes off it one second, you'll miss something. The game is appx 90 mins, unlike a football game in usa or basketball where a game can last up to 3+ hours.
When I went to England in '95 There was a huge football event going on, and one sunday everyone piled into a small living room to watch it, and it was such a big deal there. i didn't really get it, but i guess i do now.
I love how (most) all the guys are good sports. I know it's a culture thing, but it's how they hug or kiss their teammates on the cheek. the passion these guys have for the game is easy to see.

I think what all these games (on espn from 10am - 3pm about) are a battle for the world cup. I remember watching the 2006 world cup. I was routing for Italy and they won. I blogged about it on my yahoo blog.
ok, game's over I can concentrate on what I'm writing now. I also enjoy Andy Gray's commentary.
I once worked with a Brit who always had a game streaming in on his computer. Each time I'd go in the copy room to make a copy I'd ask what the score was. It's such a European thing.
I would also love to start/ learn to play soccer myself b/c i think i've got the power in my legs for it.

The games I've caught are: Romania vs. Italy 1-1 (6.13.08) Croatia vs. Germany 2-1. (6.12.08)
Netherlands vs. Italy 2-0 (6.9.08) France vs. Romania 0-0 (6.9.08)
and now France vs. Netherlands is just beginning!
Did you know the Netherlands have the oldest national anthem?update: 10 mins into the game and Netherlands have scored. why are their jerseys so tight?

photos are from http://en.euro2008.uefa.com/


Andy's Frozen Custard!! yumm

I am psyched. I found out there is an Andy's Frozen Custard in IL!!! and only about 10-15 mins from me, none the less!
For those of you not from Springfield MO, Andy's Frozen Custard was started in MO, and apparently has recently branched out with franchising. They have awesome custard-- they are known for it. It's so good: creamy and delicious! (don't ask me to write your commercials, i'm obviously not doing a good job at describing how good it is. Just go and find out for yourself!) They totally beat out Culvers in my book.
Other than 8 spots in MO, they have 2 locations in Arkansas, one in Texas, and one in Illinois!
This IS the best custard. My absolute favorite is Choco-Rocko (their version of Rocky Road...but I always call it Rocko-Choco... i think it sounds better... actually I just can't remember which way it goes) and I sometimes splurge and get cookie dough on top! YESS! oh it's soo good. ....it's like a meal.
so IL people, go try it! it's on Weber Rd. in Bolingbrook.

This is a Springfield icon. I attended college there for 3 years, and this is the spot to go. it's also how freshman girls earn their "freshman 15." (gaining 15 pounds for you who would think i'm referring to something else?) I have a lot of fun memories going to Andy's with friends, going on my birthday and taking a bazillion hilarious pictures with friends, and going with my Aunt, always her treat. It's just a fun place! you can go thru the drive thru or park and walk up to order and sit outside (there's no seating, so don't be offended, that's just how it is) and enjoy your goodness!

Now all we need is a Smoothie King (waaay better than Jamba Juice) and I won't have a reason to go back to Springfield, ever!


continually perplexed

Lately another 'shot' was fired at my family. I am still surprised at the audacity they have to anonymously post such rude, hateful, completely unnecessary comments. I heard a sermon last Sunday about those who feed off of others who are "on full" b/c they are on empty. And at the end the pastor prayed for those who are on empty to get their straws out and detach from the people who are full and tap into God.
some people just have such disgust inside of them that they seek pleasure in sending stupid anonymous comments.
refer again to my "signed anonymous" blog.
Very interesting what people say behind the "safety" of their computer screen vs. what they'd say to your face. oh I'd love to see some of these anonymous-ers try to say these things face to face with out a diaper on.
These people are obsessed, obviously disgruntled, unhappy with their life...

hmm... ironic

anonymous & ransom notes: