
10 year high school reunion

well, it's time for my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe I'm that old! I actually have the choice of going to 3 different reunions. My first high school I went to until I was a junior. Second high school was junior to first month of senior year, then we moved to IL, where I went til I finished. I'm for sure not going to my IL high school reunion, b/c I knew no one. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to Bismarck, ND or to Seattle. It would be fun to see my old friends though. 


Earl Thornton said...

When is the Bismarck and Seattle reunions?

Dana said...

10 years, Jill? You ARE old! :) Just kidding...I realized recently just how long ago I graduated... and it's just too crazy to believe!

I'm with you on this, except I only attended 2 high schools - one until my sophomore year (Morris), then the other until I graduated (Seneca). I've always wanted to go to a Morris class reunion because I had attended school with those classmates since kindergarten. Oh well...

Wow, when you moved, you REALLY moved! :)

jet said...

The Bis reunion is Aug 2
and Seattle reunion is July 19