
wise words.

read it and weep you stalking yahoos: you know who you are.
a wise, wise woman brought this verse to my attention:
Psalm 105:15 saying "Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!"
there was a time when Satan worked from the outside in, but now he has gone inside the church.
and when people do nasty things like that they're treading on dangerous ground. Because you know God keeps records. and you can't say "oh I didn't do that God" b/c he has the record.
In the Bible it says: you have to answer for every idol word you've spoken & every deed.
also, the the story about (i may be spelling their names wrong) Aniniaus and Saphria.
thank you Grandma T. wise words from a God fearing woman.

do people take it seriously...do they really understand: God is omnipresent, omniscient, all-knowing. Now if that makes you tremble in your boots. you've got some repenting to do. (thanks AF)

I think my Grandma would love having her own blog.



this is THE grossest thing i've ever seen! warning :::: not for the weak of stomach!



seriously... stop it. this is painful!! i know this isn't as bad as unleaded in Chicago at $3.95 but Good Grief Charlie Brown!!


yum yum

i like oranges. i don't eat them often. but i luuuuve apples. little random fact.

you go Elizabeth!!

Rosie is an idiot. she doesn't allow other people to give their own opinion if it opposes her own. You Go Elizabeth! stick up for yourself. she is the only one on that show with true reasoning.
ever known a bully like Rosie? i sure have. I've worked for two.

I'm so sick of her. i'm glad she'll be off "the view" even though i never watch it. and boy am i glad i'm not one of her adopted kids .. yuck!

UPDATE: Rosie the posie is off the show! don't let the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha!!!

lame excuse for friendship

it's a lame excuse for friendship when people bond over the common 'displeasure' of someone else. (or should i just say hatred?) it just reminds me of junior high. people get together, talk bad about someone else and form a friendship over that. how lame, how low... i mean c'mon. get a life. that kind of thing is irritating to me. and along those same lines: loosing a friendship. what totally stinks is when you thought you had a friend but they choose to believe lies about you. basically it's gossip and those who hear it, do not go to the source and ask if it's true or not. they just lazily believe it with out giving you a chance to defend yourself against lies. that's just wrong!


Judging Others

Matthew 7

Do Not Judge Others
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.

nothing bothers me more than judgemental people.



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don't steal my pictures. i worked really really hard for them ;)

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Remember the phrase "oh be careful little mouth what you speak?" Well I have some emphasizing to do on that:

Ezekiel 25:6-7 (NLT) "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you clapped and danced and cheered with glee at the destruction of my people, I will raise my fist of judgment against you. I will give you as plunder to many nations. I will cut you off from being a nation and destroy you completely. Then you will know that I am the Lord."

And in Ezekiel chapters 8-10: God cared for and loved Judah, only to have it turn away to other nations and their false gods. The nation had grown to maturity and become famous, but the people forgot who had given them their life. This is a picture of spiritual adultery.

Do not mistake God's judgment if you are glad at the destruction of other believers. Not only in Acts, but many places in the Bible it talks strongly of living in peace with other believers and to not gossip. Christians should be known by our LOVE, not maliciousness!! Good grief people, get over your selfish ambitions of grandeur. God has placed godly leaders in place. Who are you to think you have the right to...?

Well the prophet in me is coming out. So I pray God's will to be done. He is THE judge. Amen? Amen. He is a just and loving God. I am thankful that he is a big God and he doesn't need our help! A friend once said, "It’s like a board of directors of a hospital telling a surgeon how he should perform brain surgery."

this reminds me of Amy Grant's song "what about the love"

I looked into the mirror,
Proud as I could be,
And I saw my pointing finger
Pointing back at me,
Saying, "Who named you accuser?
Who gave you the scales?"
I hung my head in sorrow;
I could almost feel the nails.
I said, "This is how it is
To be crucified and judged
Without love."

Something's wrong in heaven tonight.
You can almost hear them cry.
Angels to the left and the right,
Saying, "What about the love?
What about the love?
What about the love of God?"


my fam

I've just got to say, I love my family... incredibly much. they're the best thing in the world to me. they're my rock-- thru all the changes life has brought, they are the ones who have been consistant (Yes, my #1 Rock is JESUS, of course! & he's been THE consistant one, yes.) but, my family i just want to declare my huge love and adoration for them. i think they rock. they're awesome. super duper cool people. i love them so much. i'm proud to be apart of the family i am. yay for my fam!


some great quotes

i'm not a big quote person. but in those little calendar pocket books, there are quotes at the top of each page & i wrote down a few that stuck out to me:


Ø The past always looks better than it was b/c it isn’t here” –Finley Peter Dunne

Ø “Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.” –Brendan Francis

Ø Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. – Henry Ford

Ø In each of us there is a little of all of us. – George Chritoph Lichtenberg

Ø Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones. – Phillips Brooks

Ø It’s nice to be important, and it’s more important to be nice. – unknown

Ø Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. – William Jennings Bryan

Ø what lies behind us and what lies infront of us pales in comparison to what lies within us. -Emerson


Happy Birthday to my Brother!!

Happy Birthday to my big brother, Erik.
Exemplary, Excellent
he lives a life that I admire.

He has always been the coolest. I've have always been proud to be his sister. He's an amazing husband & father. I love him so much. Happy Birthday Erik! Love ya!


nosey walmarteers

so i was in Wal-mart purchasing groceries and a birthday card for my brother. all my stuff is on the conveyor belt, when the wal-mart cashier picks up the card I picked out & begins to read it. I'm thinking... "seriously lady? just scan my items, i want to buy this & go." ??? this is not the first time a wal-mart assoc has browsed deeply into my items to buy. one other time i was buying a little framed/matted picture. she gazes at it awhile commenting on how it's so great. Sure, they may be making an effort to be more friendly... but lay off the nosey-ness! i don't need my things to be inspected.

howdy ho neighbors

hola. i'm on. i've thought of much to much i've needed to post. thus... i'm here.