
little indian man

this is hilarious.

I have no idea what they say at the end. and let it be stated I hate smoking!!! (is he a boy or a munchkin?)


Happy Birthday to my Pops!

My Dad. He is a man of integrity. He is the same person at home as he is everywhere else. He loves to cheer people up. He is very caring, perceptive, kind, loving, sharing, FUN, funny, an outstanding leader, SMART (and i mean intelligent!)
He lives an admirable life of the TRUE meaning of integrity -- behind closed doors he's the same person in public and with family.

I love him so much. We've become closer over the past few years and I am thankful. My dad is solid, trustworthy, a faithful husband, caring, a generous father, and loving grandfather.
Dad, I bless you! Thank you for putting your family first. It's comforting to know you're always available whenever I may need you. Happy Birthday Dad, I love you!!


yummy vrrmm vrm

this is crazy...

Skoda Fabia Advert. original car cake.
who wants the windshield wipers? what do the side mirrors taste like?


not that into you

Ever get the feeling, that someone just really is not into you'? It's just like the book "He's just not that into you" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
or have you ever given off that feeling?
it hurts. I'm sure I've given off this vibe, but it never feels good.
some people you want to avoid. but if someone is, in good faith, trying to be nice or helpful and they're not completely annoying- at least give them the time of day, you know?
I'm usually pretty perceptive with picking up these cues... maybe too perceptive where I back off when it might not be necessary, but at least I'm not always someone who's constantly in someone's face.
so I guess I'll end it on are you being annoying or just brushing someone off?


listen to this

I was glad I was able to make it to hear this sermon. It's from former missionaries to the Solomon Islands who have an amazing, amazing story. Darrell & Sherri Beebe - I met them for the first time, and decided that I like them. Seriously, listen HERE their story is good. It's on forgiveness, God's healing and his provision.


a 12 yr olds' story

this is really sweet. Logan, 12yrs old, called into a radio station and talks about a calf on their farm. click here to listen. here's the page that tells about him.