
continually perplexed

Lately another 'shot' was fired at my family. I am still surprised at the audacity they have to anonymously post such rude, hateful, completely unnecessary comments. I heard a sermon last Sunday about those who feed off of others who are "on full" b/c they are on empty. And at the end the pastor prayed for those who are on empty to get their straws out and detach from the people who are full and tap into God.
some people just have such disgust inside of them that they seek pleasure in sending stupid anonymous comments.
refer again to my "signed anonymous" blog.
Very interesting what people say behind the "safety" of their computer screen vs. what they'd say to your face. oh I'd love to see some of these anonymous-ers try to say these things face to face with out a diaper on.
These people are obsessed, obviously disgruntled, unhappy with their life...

hmm... ironic

anonymous & ransom notes:

1 comment:

Glenda said...

This is my favorite line from your post. LOL! "oh I'd love to see some of these anonymous-ers try to say these things face to face with out a diaper on." very funny!