

I haven't enjoyed going to the gym lately. a home gym is sounding really nice. (if i only had the thousands of dollars to make that a reality!)

At the gym: getting checked out is nice for my ego, but kind of gets tiresome. all the smells aren't too inspiring. the stuffy, musty air. the blaring music (someone elses' picks, not mine), 
Working out is kind of a personal thing. and to have to do it with many 'bored' eyes watching. Plus all that you do see (and never ever wanted to see). if i had one
of these (flip video) boy, i'd have some funny clips to post on you tube.

i enjoy working out. i do not enjoy battling the congested traffic just to get there. today it took me 13 mins to drive 3.3 miles to the gym. ridiculous. at the gym: all the smells, all the possible diseases passed, (skin diseases? yuck!) sharing of machines. broken treadmills that sound like you're dragging a pig behind you or something. vying for my turn on the chest press, the gym's music picks that are blaring over the speakers. many many reasons why i just don't enjoy my visits there.
oh well it's better than passing out in the heat+humidity deadly combo IL has going for it.

here's one home gym that looks real nice.

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