
My Mother Dearest

Happy Birthday Mo-mma!
My mother is the prettiest lady, inside & out. She is the sweetest, nicest genuine person I think I've ever known. (thanks for the youthful genes too! ;) )
I am proud of my mom, thankful for her. Growing up she never spoke harshly to me (at least I don't remember a time!) She always spoke loving kind words. Always was patient and I am grateful for that.
Mom, I love you. I stand up and call you blessed!

...a couple fun facts about my mom:
  • she whistles or hum's all the time.
  • is pretty much always happy. (living up to her name... Joy!)
  • always is encouraging.
  • ends a lot of her sentences with a question, "yes that is very interesting, isn't it?"
  • is a devoted and committed wife, mother, & grandmother.
Mom, I love ya!!


Earl Thornton said...

Great post Jill. As always, you are very observant... that is your mom!

Amy said...

Aww, the dude mother is so beautiful! A woman of grace, beauty, intelligence, class, and Godliness.... Wow. Thank you for everything you have passed along to us, Mom! I love you!!!