
finished. finot. asta lavista...never.

I am so glad to be done with one more chapter of my life. Good Bye! Sayonara!
I hope I never have to return.
look at this guys' story of being there. hilarious. At least I never had to deal with anything like that!

i am finished. Ciao, Adios, Tata, Salut, Sayonara!!!!!!! asta la bye-bye!


Earl Thornton said...

hmmmm..... FINISHED?!

Glenda said...

I'm glad you're done, Jill! That is one experience you'll be able to see your strength in. Good job sticking it out & good job deciding to be done!!!

Dana said...

Yikes! good thing you didn't have to deal with that! enjoy your freedom from HD...on to better things, right? :)