
here we go...

Let the lies and hypocrisies begin.
Read and be amazed. Obama hosting pricey party in a dicey economy
Unemployment is up. The stock market is down. Let's party.

Add to that the massive costs of security and transportation — costs absorbed by U.S. taxpayers — and the historic inauguration will produce an equally historic bill.
So after first saying he had to raise taxes, then trying to come up to McCain's level he changes his speech and says he wouldn't be raising taxes. OH! SURPRISE, he will be raising taxes. just out.
Thus the article.
btw, did you know Pres. Bush did not have a big inauguration party 2nd go around? yeah.

In 2005, Reps. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., and Jim McDermott, D-Wash., asked Bush to show a little less pomp and be a little more circumspect at his party.

"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," the two lawmakers wrote in a letter. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."

Obama's inauguration committee says it is mindful of the times and is not worried people will see the four days of festivities as excessive.

and I understand opposing sides would argue "Well this is history! He is allowed to have a big bash!" Yeah, ok sure, but $150 MILLION?!?! Again, where's your head.


anonymous said...

Guess you were wrong about one thing at least. Obama was sworn in on the Bible. Lets just wait and see what else you happen to be wrong about. What if we all took the stance that this is our president, so we should respect him whether we agree with everything or not? Maybe you should try that one for a while.

jet said...

Thank you "anonymous" (coward) I was expecting to hear from you. And you beat me to it, I was about to write another comment under that blogpost of mine to ADMIT "wow, I see Obama did in fact use the Bible to be sworn in on-- good for him!"
I'd be happy to see what else I could be wrong about him. and I hope for it.
And guess what, as of a few hours ago is he only my president. So you have yet to hear from me with that in effect. And again I'm not "Obama hatin'" sure, I respect him as my leader; however I disagree with many of his policies, and as of NOW, it is a free country.
thank you very much.

jet said...
