
wake up, voters

Obama sure can speak out of both sides of his mouth with much ease.
Lest not I forget to mention his amazing skill of back-pedaling as well. 
"The Post-American World" -- (it's a muslim view).
ok, let's review: the extremist muslims were the ones who attacked our country on September 11, 2001. The muslims hate the United States. 
review time is over.

now THAT, people, is something to be cautious of! Do you want a man for president just b/c his best quality is that he is "eloquent"???
So, I'm sure he'll be eloquent when he has one foot in Washington and one foot in Saudi Arabia too, huh?
Economy, economy, economy. Sure, we're in a tough crunch right now. but this surely can't last forever. Do you want our awesome country to be torn down to a crumble just because we were in a tough economic time, so we went with the more eloquent guy?
Hello people - here is your WAKE UP CALL!
WHO are you voting for. what are their standards? B/c THAT is what they will be taking to Washington, not the economy. and just b/c some guy is elected to office, doesn't mean he'll save the economy with a magic wand. Neither of them have a superman's cape on saying "Economy Savior." 
  • one is (sooooo) Pro-abortion. THAT MEANS he believes in killing babies.  [obama]
  • the other is pro-life. he is FOR that baby - he wants to give that child a chance to live. to be adopted, to be loved. give the child a chance to live. [mccain]
  • one has (many, many) ties to the middle east. and is quick to side-step the questions directly relating to that. [duh, obama]
  • one has many years of service to the country. probably more years than the other candidate has been alive for. He served in the military; was a prisoner of war; and has been involved in politics for many years now. [mccain, duh.]
* Let me make it even more plain and simple: McCain is the old white guy. Obama is the half black - half white guy, but denies any white ties or relations whatsoever.

So readers of this blog - heed the warnings, it's been plainly laid out for you. please use your head. who do you want to be the leader of your country as your children grow up.

and yes, I watched some of the debate tonight-- thus spurring this entry!

1 comment:

Earl Thornton said...

Good for you Jill.
I agree.