there are a few elements of a church that really stand out to me after a visit, and just thought I'd share...
the main one is friendliness. --how friendly a church is. Many times in a service there will be a brief moment to turn around and greet the people sitting around you. At one church, I was quite disgusted because I had actually been there 3 other times previously and not ONE person said hi or greeted me from the time when I walked in the doors to when I walked out. I left with a feeling of "would any of them even care that I just went to their church?" Another church stands out in my memory. I've gone twice, and both times (someone actually shook hands with me during 'greet time') but the overall feel of the rest of the people was stuck up and unfriendly. That is not something that attracts me to a church! This past time I was by myself, and lingered in the lobby quite awhile, and no one even said a hi. One person smiled at me, later, looking at the visitor brochures, I discover he's on staff. (score: one point)
Secondly what I find important is the speaking (preaching). It's got to have substance, make me think and be challenging. It's tough to beat what I've grown up with-- my Dad, an awesome speaker, always has a great substance-filled messages with a good action step at the end. (As well as my brother, I might add, who also grew up hearing my father.)
Thirdly, and very close to second, is the worship. I've got to have the urge to "tap my foot." Good music quality, and the vocals have to be at least on key(!) with a presence on the stage, worshiping, not up there just to observe "who's here at church today?"
I'm not new at church shopping, I've done it another time. These are some thoughts that have conjured up in my head. I just thought I'd share for any pastors or whoever to read.
I agree with your three criteria for choosing a church. They are all important. Pretty hard to beat hearing a pastor as good as the one you grew up with, isn't it?
I agree. There aren't many out there who are as good as your dad. That man can bring a good word!
Wow, thanks for the nice comments about Jill's Dad.
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