
obama and your mama

I'm tired of hearing of all the Obama hype & hoopla. All he says is "change ... change... change!" I don't hear anything else. All he gets people riled up about is vague "change." Well, what kind of change? At least all of the other candidates talk about specifics. He's full of hype. A great speaker... a lot of hype. Here are my major oppositions:
He insisted to put his hand on the Koran, and not the Bible when sworn in as Senator (as has been done since our country was founded! ..on Biblical principals!) I am sooo opposed to someone leading our country who attended muslim school, even if it was just a year or few years. none the less he was there!) I don't want someone with that kind of influence in their life (the same teaching given to him, as what the World Trade Center killers, the Pentagon and the crash in Pennsylvania were brainwashed with) to lead our country!

Some who read this may think I'm prejudice. Well, considering what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 I think I have a right for my antennas to be up on this. I also know there is a majority who will agree with me. AND in a speech he gave in Wisconsin, Feb 08, he brought up the war and said "it was a war we should have never fought." (WHAT?) just let them come on in & bomb our country with out fighting back? uh,.. NO!

Another big concern is that he has been a senator for only 1 year.
I don't have a good feeling about him at all. There's probably some big oil heir in Iran or somewhere who funds him. And eventually Obama will sell out the U.S.

Hillary? are you kidding me? NO way. nooooo way. Do you remember when the Clinton's moved out of the White House at the end of Bill's term? they cleared it out. like a bunch of hoodlums. I, personally, do not want a woman for a president. Especially Hillary.
I loved this clip on The Colbert Report. I have never really watched him before, but I was channel surfing, and stopped for the relevance of this!

That takes us to the Republican candidates. McCain? eh, sure, not my first choice. My pick would be Huckabee if he can swing it.

oowee. that's probably my most controversial blog so far!

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