
BBC World News

I've been enjoying listening to BBC World News on the radio (KSMU) lately b/c I'm a night owl, when it's 1am here, it's 6am there. I enjoy hearing their reporters interview political heads or big CEO's (such as the former president of World Bank). I like hearing the interviews b/c when the reporter has a question for the interviewee they make sure they get their answer. If that political head or whomever side steps the question they don't give up on that point. They say "hey, no, what I'm asking is this __. Now what's your answer?" Gumption. Determination.
This is where I get a lot of my world news from b/c I have no cable & can't always catch the world news on at 5:30.
It also helps me remember the world's perspective-- how huge. BBC reports news from the entire world. (I like Fiona McDonald's accent). It's a big world with lots of countries & lots of people! and it rekindles my desire to travel more overseas.
But, I do have to add, that on the contrary: the interview with Paul Wolfowitz (former World Bank pres) and Clair Bolderson ... I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Sounds like it wasn't exactly a bed of roses for him there. & she was really pushing for some answers & was persistent. I can understand that there are just some sensitive issues that shouldn't be aired for the public, I'm sure. So good for him for sticking to his guns. His relaxed voice reminds me of the guy on Moody radio on after midnight. also reminds me of James Dobson.


Glenda said...

You should do some world traveling!!! That sounds awesome!!

Earl Thornton said...

Are you beginning to pick up the British accent? Call me, let's test it!