
summer shows

My new favorite summer TV show: “Creature Comforts” …hilarious. (as long as it stays clean.) On Monday they compared a retirement/or assisted living commentary with commentary of people at the zoo. I’m finding myself not wanting the half hour to be over. If this ever comes out on DVD, I think I might actually get it. If you haven’t seen it, it's clay animated characters with people speaking who had been interviewed about random topics. It’s so funny. The people who thought this show up--brilliant.

“It works, largely because most of the interviews seem selected to be not wacky but low-key and conversational. Am I proud of laughing? No, but I don’t care." James Posiewozik, Time.com

Here's the unofficial US blog. interesting to put human faces to the voices.

I actually like to watch "American Inventor" too. Probably in part b/c I have so many invention ideas & it's interesting to see what other people are so interested in that they pour all their resources into.


Happy Papa's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my dooid Bops, my brother & my Grandpa. The best men in the whole wide world to me! I am so thankful to have awesome godly men in my life to show me what a true example of a godly man is.
(Emma, good job on the picture!)

Dad, you are amazing. Your strength, dignity, character, integrity means so much to me. I am thankful for you.

I'm thankful for my brother. He is an awesome father to his children. His love for them is so evident.

I'm thankful that both by parents were fortunate to have wonderful father's as well. I love my grandpas.


ps. this blog does not encapsulate all my feelings for my dad & brother & Gpa. i'm just not that affluent of a writter. and my time on the internet is limited. so i love them a whole lot more than i can ever write in words! okay!? i'm more of a pictures person ;)



Heed the warning all church leaders—this includes paid & unpaid.
Ezekiel 34 footnotes from the Life Application Bible

Footnote 34:1:: Ezekiel called the exiles “Israel,” referring to all Jews in captivity from both the northern and southern kingdoms. Ezekiel criticized Israel’s leaders for taking care of themselves rather than taking care of their people. He outlined their sins (34:1-6) and pronounced judgment upon them (34:7-10). Then he promised that a good shepherd (the Messiah) would come who would take care of the people as the other leaders were supposed to do (34:11-31). This beautiful message portrays the fate of the present shepherds, the work of the new shepherd, and the future of the sheep.

Footnote 34:4-6:: God would judge the religious leaders because they were selfishly caught up in their own concerns and were neglecting their service to others. Spiritual leaders must be careful not to pursue self-development at the expense of broken, lost people. When we give too much attention to our own needs and ideas, we may push God aside and abandon those who depend on us.

Footnote 34:9, 10:: Those shepherds who failed their flock would be removed from office and held responsible for what happened to the people they were supposed to lead. Christian leaders must heed this warning and care for their flock, or total failure and judgment will be the result (see 1 Corinthians 9:24-27). True leadership focuses on helping others, not just on getting ahead.

Footnote 34:11-16:: God promises to take over as shepherd of his scattered flock. When our leaders fail us, we must not despair but remember that God is in control and that he promises to return and care for his flock. Thus, we know that we can turn to God for help. He is still in control and can transform any tragic situation into good for his Kingdom (see Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28)

Footnote 34:18-20:: A bad shepherd is not only selfish but destructive. A minister who muddies the waters for others by causing unnecessary fears, teaching false ideas, and acting sinfully is a detriment to his flock’s spiritual nourishment.

Footnote 34:23-25:: In contrast to the present evil shepherds (leaders) of God’s people (34:1-6), God will send a perfect shepherd, the Messiah (“my servant David”), who will take care of every need his people have and set up a Kingdom of perfect peace and justice (see Psalm 23; Jeremiah 23:5, 6; John 10:11; Hebrews 13:20, 21; Revelation 21). Peace here means more than the absence of conflict. It is contentment, fulfillment, and security.

…I’m so thankful for a 2 great spiritual leaders I have grown up with: my dad & brother. They are godly leaders, not selfish, but look out for the good of others. I’m thankful for such great examples. and really, I can't leave my amazing mother out of this plug either...especially now that she is Rev. mother :) Thank you God for an amazing family who I respect & admire!

Unfortunately I have witnessed and worked for other leaders (spiritual & not so spiritual) who are out for their own benefit & selfish ambition; they will walk on & over whoever it takes to make themselves look good. Eventually it kills the spirit of all those under them. I’m thankful to be relieved of those duties.



Thunderstorms are amazing. I’ve always enjoyed them. I guess its b/c growing up in California we didn’t experience too many of them, so when they did happen we all got excited. But once we moved to the Midwest we got to experience them then.

Thunderstorms are powerful, awesome, intriguing, amazing. Where I’m at in Missouri, we’ve had a lot of rain, more than normal I hear. But these past two have brought some of the loudest thunder (lightning) I’ve ever heard. The last one made some car alarms go off. What is it about thunder that you can actually feel the force of it? It’s so powerful- it shakes your home, your dishes rattle. Awesome.

T-storms are a wonder to me. But also always reminds me of how huge God is. God can do anything. A light show like that is nothing for him.

What I don’t like, however, are tornadoes! Or the threat of them. They also are a huge wonder, but so disastrous.

mr. purple frog

Scientists find new species in Suriname-- a fluorescent purple toad

Cool looking toad found in Suriname by scientists. The atelopus toad has crazy purple markings, but I still wouldn’t want to touch it… it looks like it would be poisonous!


pris paris

man, what drama. but that is Paris for ya. I'm glad that she's back in jail. if she was let out after (3 days really) that just would not have been fair. i think someone was bribed. Bribed enough to if they lost their job they'd be set for life.
whinney little rich girl needs to learn her lesson & pay the price! money can not solve everything. and of course, her medical needs, I think, are a JOKE. I'm glad she's actually crying this time-- means she feels the consequenses of her actions.

LOS ANGELES - Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.

“It’s not right!” shouted the weeping Hilton, who violated her parole in a reckless driving case. “Mom!” she called out to her mother in the audience.

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff’s car, came into the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, sans makeup, wearing a gray fuzzy sweat shirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, her body shook constantly and she dabbed at her eyes. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, “I love you.”

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer was calm but apparently irked by the morning’s developments. He said he had left the courthouse Thursday night having signed an order for Hilton to appear for the hearing.

When he got in his car early Friday, he said, he heard a radio report that he had approved Hilton’s participation in the hearing by telephone, but he had not.

“I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions,” he said of the decision to release Hilton from jail after three days.

“At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home on Kings Road,” Sauer said.

Assistant City Attorney Dan F. Jeffries argued that Hilton should be returned to jail, and said that was purely the judge’s decision to make. “Her release after only three days erodes confidence in the judicial system,” Jeffries said.

Hilton’s attorney, Richard Hutton, implored the judge to order a hearing in his chambers at which he would hear testimony about Hilton’s medical condition before making a decision.

The judge did not respond to that suggestion.

Another of her attorneys, Steve Levine, said, “The sheriff has determined that because of her medical situation, this (jail) is a dangerous place for her.”

“The court’s role here is to let the Sheriff’s Department run the jail,” he said.

A former district attorney, Robert Philibosian, also represented Hilton. He said that the law supports the sheriff in making an independent decision on her custodial situation.

The judge interrupted several times to say that he had received a call last Wednesday from an undersheriff informing him that Hilton had a medical condition and that he would submit papers to the judge to consider. He said the papers never arrived.

Every few minutes, the judge would interrupt proceedings and state the time on the clock and note that the papers still had not arrived.

He also noted that he had heard that a private psychiatrist visited Hilton in jail and he wondered if that person played a role in deciding her medical needs.


BBC World News

I've been enjoying listening to BBC World News on the radio (KSMU) lately b/c I'm a night owl, when it's 1am here, it's 6am there. I enjoy hearing their reporters interview political heads or big CEO's (such as the former president of World Bank). I like hearing the interviews b/c when the reporter has a question for the interviewee they make sure they get their answer. If that political head or whomever side steps the question they don't give up on that point. They say "hey, no, what I'm asking is this __. Now what's your answer?" Gumption. Determination.
This is where I get a lot of my world news from b/c I have no cable & can't always catch the world news on at 5:30.
It also helps me remember the world's perspective-- how huge. BBC reports news from the entire world. (I like Fiona McDonald's accent). It's a big world with lots of countries & lots of people! and it rekindles my desire to travel more overseas.
But, I do have to add, that on the contrary: the interview with Paul Wolfowitz (former World Bank pres) and Clair Bolderson ... I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Sounds like it wasn't exactly a bed of roses for him there. & she was really pushing for some answers & was persistent. I can understand that there are just some sensitive issues that shouldn't be aired for the public, I'm sure. So good for him for sticking to his guns. His relaxed voice reminds me of the guy on Moody radio on after midnight. also reminds me of James Dobson.


Fred the monster pig

Oh My Word-uh!!!
MONSTER pig is right! "Fred" weighed 1,051 lbs. and 9 ft 4 inch long. an 11 year old kid shot it with a handgun! i'd pee my pants if i saw this thing coming towards me. sounds like it could've been cast on the show "Lost".
whoa nelly!