
wise words.

read it and weep you stalking yahoos: you know who you are.
a wise, wise woman brought this verse to my attention:
Psalm 105:15 saying "Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!"
there was a time when Satan worked from the outside in, but now he has gone inside the church.
and when people do nasty things like that they're treading on dangerous ground. Because you know God keeps records. and you can't say "oh I didn't do that God" b/c he has the record.
In the Bible it says: you have to answer for every idol word you've spoken & every deed.
also, the the story about (i may be spelling their names wrong) Aniniaus and Saphria.
thank you Grandma T. wise words from a God fearing woman.

do people take it seriously...do they really understand: God is omnipresent, omniscient, all-knowing. Now if that makes you tremble in your boots. you've got some repenting to do. (thanks AF)

I think my Grandma would love having her own blog.

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