
A Craigslist Thanksgiving meal

A generous Denver couple put a posting on craigslist for Thanksgiving at their home.
Many responded. Very cool story.

a little more google searching brought me to Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.
http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/20721.asp Very interesting story.
Today, there are Craigslists in some 550 cities in 50 countries and more than 12 billion page views a month, making it the eighth most-visited English-language site. He's been credited for almost single-handedly killing the newspaper industry by offering free online classifieds. But Craig Newmark's success boils down to what he calls "a pleasant accident."
I've been searching Craigslist lately for a loveseat. I find it interesting to browse the ads just to see what people are selling & how outrageously priced they might have something priced. Craigslist is international by now, and in every US state. Chicago's craiglist has proven unsuccessful for me in selling some things. There's just too many people!


thought I was done with the political stuff, eh?
not quite. my Dad forwards Gary Bauer's emails to me. Thought my readers should see this.

Monday, November 10, 2008
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer

Words Matter, Part II

To supporters of President-elect Barack Obama, he is an orator gifted with a silver tongue, JFK reincarnated. We received two disturbing examples over the weekend that suggest his learning curve could be steeper than previously thought.

At a Friday press conference, President-elect Obama was asked if he had reached out to ex-presidents for their advice and counsel. Obama responded, “I have spoken to all of them who are living. I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.” Nancy Reagan never held séances. It was Hillary Clinton who claimed she had “conversations” with Eleanor Roosevelt. Obama reportedly called Nancy Reagan to apologize for his “careless and offhanded remark.” Obama aides said the conversation went well, but aides to Mrs. Reagan suggest otherwise.

Here is a far more serious example. Last week, the president of Poland called Obama to offer his congratulations and seek reassurances that the United States would not abandon its commitment to deploy a missile defense system in Poland. Even with Russia threatening them, the Poles are still seeking U.S. leadership and support.

After their conversation, President Kaczynski released a statement that read, “Barack Obama has underlined the importance of the strategic partnership between Poland and the United States, he expressed his hope of continuing the political and military cooperation between our two countries. He also said the anti-missile shield project would go ahead.” But on Saturday, Obama’s senior foreign policy advisor said, “President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it.”

This is a very disturbing development. When you start making ambivalent statements to heads of state, you are inviting aggression. The world is still a very dangerous place, and our allies must be able to trust us.

Sarah’s Supporters Speak

Campaign aides who worked closely with Governor Sarah Palin are coming to her defense. And unlike the cowards who have anonymously attacked her in the media, Sarah’s supporters are speaking on the record. Here are some quotes from a Politico story this weekend:

* Steve Biegun, a foreign policy advisor who traveled with Palin, said, “I think she was fantastic. She just brought a special energy to our ticket. Look, I was there at those rallies. … I’ve worked in Washington for 20 years, on the Hill, in the White House and in the private sector, and she ranks at the highest levels of decency, kindness and graciousness of anybody I’ve ever worked with.”

* Nicolle Wallace, a senior adviser to McCain told NBC that Palin was “perhaps the most un-diva politician I’ve seen. The only thing I’ve seen her ask for is a diet soda.”

* Tracey Schmitt, a veteran of both Bush campaigns, said, “Gov. Palin was a breath of fresh air, particularly for those of us who've been living in the Washington bubble… She was tireless on the stump and would have shaken every hand on the rope line if there were time.”

* One Capitol Hill McCain aide pointed out that there is a reason Palin has an 80% approval rating in Alaska.

“Change The Face Of World Politics And Economics”

During the campaign, Joe Biden warned, “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama. …we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.” We may not have to wait six months. There are various overseas reports that Al Qaeda is planning a major terrorist attack against the United States – one which will “outdo by far” the atrocities of 9/11 with the objective being to “change the face of world politics and economics.”

This could be a bluff by an organization on the ropes, reeling from a defeat in Iraq, under siege in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But it would also be consistent with past Al Qaeda behavior of striking during times of political transition and testing new leaders early. Also consistent with Al Qaeda tactics would be hitting the same targets, suggesting another attack on New York and Washington, D.C., which would symbolically threaten the “face of world politics and economics.”


oh my cravings!

I don't know where or why, but sometimes I'll get specific cravings for food and I know exactly what I want. The past week after dinner, my sweet tooth is saying this:

See's Scotchmallow! yuu-uh-umm.
I went to Fanny May down the street from me to satisfy this crave, but the guy informs me they stopped making it! But kindly he sampled the dark chocolate marshmallow candy out to me, and it did the trick... for that night.
so upon searching for the name of my desired tastebud craving, here's more of See's delicious-ness (my favorites):

Say hello to Carmel with almonds, Walnut Square & Almond Square. yummy.
Is your mouth watering like mine has been?

Ever since my family lived in California (home of See's Candies) that is our #1 pick for chocolates. It's some good stuff. Some friends used to send us a box every year at Christmas.


from "The Patriot Post"
They'll now have to take responsibility if the economy stays in recession, or if Iraq turns chaotic again after an abrupt U.S. withdrawal. Americans have entrusted Democrats with what will essentially be unrestrained power, and we'll soon see if liberals have learned to govern." --The Wall Street Journal

"Obama Thanks 'Gracious' Press" --Agence France-Presse (Thanks to The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto)

from Gary Bauer "Campaign for Working Families" End of Day Report Nov. 5
That said, the junior senator from Illinois, after just four years of service in the Senate, is now President-elect Obama. The most radical and inexperienced president in history is about to come into power with an expanded Democrat majority in Congress. Will the radical Left be able to restrain its impulse to raise your taxes? Will Obama push for a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, which would destabilize the country, after John McCain, George Bush and General Petraeus have won the war? Will liberal Democrats ram through the Freedom of Choice Act, hate crimes laws, the Fairness Doctrine and a massive amnesty in their first 100 days? We’ll find out soon.



this is very interesting.
Last night I printed out a map with the electoral votes for each state and filled in each state blue or red as they were calling it. (I tried not watching, but there was nothing else for me to do! "if you can't beat em, join em") I stopped filling them in when Obama was at 207 and McCain at 138. Realized mr. O had it b/c California wasn't a battleground state.
I was curious to see the final outcome.

...who knows when my blogging will turn away from politics.

one good thing came of it...

At least a few states got it right. California, Arizona & Florida voted to keep marriage for a man & woman. read more.



The terrorists have 2 months to plan. Biden already spilled the beans on that. 
People, what have you done?! 
All truth will come out in time.
I can't take hearing anything more from that man. 
Seriously America, ugh.
not good.
the poor people that have to work at the White House.
he is not the savior.
okay, let's just review all his promises. that might be difficult because he changed his mind and his words so many times. 
tax cuts?? for middle class. raise taxes on the wealthy.
abortion -- at any term. he's all for killing in the womb.
gay marriage - will be possible.
will he be sworn in on the koran? most likely.
this is scary.
he'll end the war promptly. the lives sacrificed, Lord I hope, will not be for nothing. 
he'll open the doors for all muslims to freely enter our country.
Our economy is going to be kaputs. we will be paying for gas, energy, all bills out of our ears.

God help us. Lord, you are our leader no matter what. We trust in YOU.

I'm reminded of the Fred Hammond song:
"oh Lord, forgive us. Heal our land, as we turn our faces back toward you!
'if my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray!
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven.
I'll forgive their sins, and heal their land'....."