Seriously people. Obama is and has
socialist views & values.
It hit me tonight when I saw him on
The Factor talking with Bill O'Reilly (Part 2 of their conversation). It came clear when Bill was calling him on his socialist views, then when Obama-your-mama (it's after Bill mentions 'income redistribution') says,
"look at what happened in Bejing. These folks are building and we got sewer lines that are crumbling and at a certain point we've got to pay for it." DIRECT QUOTE. (he's very impressed with Beijing's infrastructure.) He was idealizing the way things are in Beijing, China ...
(and they're COMMUNIST!!!)
O'Reilly: "Both senators Obama and McCain are promising to heal the economy."... "McCain supports tax cuts-- the trickle down approach. Obama wants the government to stimulate the economy from the bottom up." (direct quote right before the viewing of Pt.2)
The big idea here is if you make less money and I make more I should be "neighborly" and give my money to you. That is the opposite of capitalism where you work hard and earn your own buck. So, the US has repair problems in our country, here's his solution: 'let's take money from the rich people, give it to the poor so we can even it out for everyone.'
he's basically saying you make enough money you rich people, I'm going to turn it into taxes and use it for the country. so what keeps the rich from thinking, "why work hard then if i'm going to have to give away the money I earn?"
Let it be known I am not even close to being in the rich category... I'm far from it.
keep in mind, too that he is the most liberal senator. WHY? Democrats, why would you elect your most liberal for the Commander in Chief?! find some middle ground.
btw, Obama is shakin in his boots now that Palin is on the board! my thoughts after seeing him on the show tonight:
- obama has control issues. telling Bill "go ahead" -- when Bill is the interviewer, and "let me finish Bill."
- I love it how Bill calls him on his fumbling.
who's got the You Tube video on this?! go to you tube and search "obama on o'reilly" look for part 2.
Americans would freak out if their freedom was stripped from them. That's what would happen if Obama took office, first we'd become socialist and that is a scary dirty path to communism. I'm not kidding. That O.B. package is a scary thing. have you heard about Michelle Obama's college thesis? not something to take lightly people.
more of these signs can be viewed or purchased
found here.
here's part one of the interview:
I thought Bill was very fair. Within the first minute Obama starts off pretty agreeable with O'Reilly.
Notice his very correct pronunciation of the taliban and pakistan and other muslim names. Shows he cares to not mis-pronounce their names, and shows he has been with them (as we all know)
Also, notice his body language when Bill O'Reilly asks him "Do you believe we are in a war on terror?" Obama: "yes." O'Reilly: "Who's the enemy?" Obama looks down before he says Al Qaeda... it's in the first 45 seconds of the video.
he's such a flip-flopper. It is true (Jessica), he cannot go unscripted.
"Cause only you can stop this stut-stut-stut-stut-stuttering" it clear I feel strongly that this guy should NOT be America's president?! He has no patriotism!
Enough with the Obama-hatin. My notes will now reflect on my admiration of Sarah Palin- she is awe-some! and my support for McCain/Palin.