

I've had fun watching the show "wipeout" on abc. it's on Tuesday evenings. I've missed a few shows and actually have gone onto abc's website to watch them online. they're good for a good laugh! The announcers are absolutely hilarious and totally make the show. Jill (the spokesperson for Mercury) is funny to watch her down on the course laughing at the contestants, too.
Here's a good sample to 'wet' your appetite.

I also had to add this one in. this first girl is only one of two that i've seen make it across the 'big balls'.


for now...

this will do for now.


I like music. No, I love music. maybe obsessed. I have 5,701 songs in my itunes and 138 items waiting to join the group in my itunes shopping cart. (That is $127.88 just incase you're wondering and want to drop that money in my lap, which would make me very happy.) Anyway, what I'm introducing is the music I've added to my page. I spent an entire evening adding 54 songs. I'm tired but I don't want to stop, b/c i like music. and it's fun. Music can energize me, it can soothe, it can be that 'sweet spot' when you've got that one song in your head and just can't wait to turn on the stereo and crank that song.
so, enjoy a "few" of my favorites.
(thanks dana, I saw this on your blog and enjoyed the music!)


michigan chip

So how much could I get for this michigan shaped chip on ebay? "I pulled it out of the bag just like this!" (no, really I did. and on July 4th, too)


Glenn Beck video

this is so true, and amazing to look back at how oil prices have progressed.
and very sad. I remember my senior year of high school on a visit to MO gas was 89 cents. that was 10 years ago.


10 year high school reunion

well, it's time for my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe I'm that old! I actually have the choice of going to 3 different reunions. My first high school I went to until I was a junior. Second high school was junior to first month of senior year, then we moved to IL, where I went til I finished. I'm for sure not going to my IL high school reunion, b/c I knew no one. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to Bismarck, ND or to Seattle. It would be fun to see my old friends though. 


4th of July

The USA is 232 years old! Happy Birthday America. Land of the free, home of the brave.