
useless mosquitoes

If mosquito bites are a problem for you like they are for me, here are some helpful tips.
view the website
Step One: Wash the infected area with soap and water as soon as you recognize that you've been bitten. Try to keep the site clean and dry until the irritation abates.
Step Two: Avoid scratching. Although a mosquito bite should itch for only a few days, continual scratching will increase your discomfort and may prolong the itching.
Step Three: Make a paste of baking soda and water, using just enough water to make the paste sticky. Spread the mixture on the bites.
Step Four: Rub soap directly on the bite. This is an oft-repeated home remedy for mosquito bites.
Step Five: Apply an ice pack or ice wrapped in a washcloth to the bite area.
Step Six: Use calamine lotion or a topical anesthetic containing pramoxine to help relieve pain and itching.
Step Seven: Purchase 1-percent hydrocortisone cream to alleviate the itching. Follow directions on the package for safe use.
Step Eight: Use an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce any accompanying swelling or redness.
Step Nine: Take an anti-histamine like benadryl to help with any swelling or itching.
Step Ten: Do not rub skin, soak instead of scrubbing, and pat dry instead of rubbing.
Step Eleven: Use aloe vera gel to reduce swelling and itching. Aloe vera also forms a protective layer to reduce possible infection.



it's a hot one.

Yesterday we hit a record of 102, today supposed to do the same with heat index up to 108. I went outside just to check my mail, and came back in totally sweaty. This is the kind of weather that makes you want to shave your head! I cannot understand why or how people still wear pants in this heat… even jeans! With this crazy record breaking heat, I saw on the news that it can get up to 130 degrees in your car?! So I did an experiment of my own, and even with a “magic shade” blocking my front window, it got up to 126.5 degrees in my car. I’d like to try baking something. What will cook at 130 degrees?

I wonder what the Amish do during all this heat – no A/C. man. Guess I’m glad I’m not Amish today.

And speaking of… I enjoy catching Chip Ingram’s radio broadcast on my way home from church. This past Sunday it was about eliminating stress in your life and how hearing non-uplifting news can bring down your overall outlook on the world. (when is news ever uplifting?) He challenged the listeners to do a 2 day media fast. No TV, no radio. So I did. And ya know, it’s been nice. Quiet, peaceful. I’m finding I feel purposeful—if I lay down on the couch it’s not “well I’ll just sit here & see what’s on.” No, I lay down and say “I think I’m going to sleep for a bit.” I found that I got a lot done around the house, opposed to thinking of all I should’ve done or still needed to get to while trying to fall asleep and trying to think of acronyms to remember it in the a.m. so I don’t have to move to get a pen and paper. I also found that I didn’t get annoyed and irritated by all the dumb commercials and frustration on not being able to find anything on to watch. I went outside and lollygagged. Basically, point is: there are a lot of better things that can be done than watching TV. You’re bombarded with images you probably wouldn’t chose to look at in the first place, but do just because it’s on and we’ve become a lazy TV watching nation. Chip Ingram said a child’s creativity is formed before the age of 6. and studies have been done that watching TV can stunt your creativity. Even Spielberg wouldn’t allow his kids to watch TV til they turned 6, understanding the creativity factor. And I did feel more creative! One evening I just lied on the couch, starred at the ceiling finding shapes in the grooves…butterflies, a kiss mark, a bird, and just listened to the hum of my refrigerator.

It can be a little tough, because it’s a habit to watch while I eat dinner or if I can’t think of what else to do at the moment. I found that turning on the TV is a lazy cop-out. If there’s nothing you’re turning it on specifically for, you’re kinda choosing that way to waste your time. So get out and do something!


first call

I had a blast the other night – I listened to First Call. Each time I listen to it, I bust out in dance, and get a kick out of it. I definitely needed that pick-me-up. I do a killer lip-sync. It brings back so many memories of my family when we lived in CA and we took the “tour of the US” vacation. Fun times forever etched in my memory. Squished in the backseat of that Lincoln Town Car. Erik’s legs spread so much, Amy & I basically shared a seat :) (no really, it wasn't that bad.) I’d have to say still my favorite song on the tape (not cd... but tape) is “Parable of the River.” I remember when we had this old RV and us kids were at the top bunk where we looked out the window above the drivers seats. Listening to that song and looking out the window, I loved it—it felt like I was flying. I’d always imagine myself on the top of that giant flying dog thing on the “Never Ending Story.” Either that or riding on a horse on the beach.

I will also admit that putting in a tape of P.I.D. has the same excitability for me. Old memories can be fun.

it all starts with a thought

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

mute math

these guys are amazing.

I heard that they had to learn the song backwards to be able to pull off this video. wow.

creature comforts

I'm sad they cut this show! the creators were so creative!


Have you seen the Clorox commercial with the kids telling secrets? the first girl says "I eat food off the floor..." Did you catch what the 2nd kid says?
“I like to lay with my poops in the toilet”
(oh my word!)




richer than the Queen

Did you know that J.K. Rowling is richer than the QUEEN!?!? that's crazy. and too bad. those books are a bunch of "hockus puke-us."
here's the story. or here. apparently she used to be on government aide.

"The Art"

"The Art" by Rachael Lampa

This is all so beautiful
But how much of this will really be
Enough to keep me on my feet
This is how it feels
When it's all for real
But how much can be invisible
Enough for me to just believe
And I'm chasing the wind
And ending up right where I began

I know that there's an art to starting over again
Knowing God will never waste the pain
You can only try so hard to right a wrong
This song will only last so long
But life takes time so let it live along

I may never know
I should just let go
But do I really want a God that I can understand
Still I close my eyes
Try to reason why
But since when does my desire dominate the plan?
And I'm chasing the wind
And ending up right where I began

I know that there's an art to starting over again
And I know that God will never waste the pain
You can only try so hard to right a wrong
This song will only last so long
But life is just the art of living on

When life is in slow motion
And when the silence is deafening
Hold on tight, you're gonna cry
But there's always a reason why

I know that there's an art to starting over again
And I know that God will never waste my pain
You can only try so hard to walk alone
This song will only last so long
But life is just the art of living on
It comes down to the art of living on

*my pics*

**Psalm 34:5** Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.



wow. 11 posts in one day. yes, a friday night and I was bored! good grief, that's sad.
I can say I have had enough.


So one night I couldn’t fall asleep. I had really been seeking God for direction that day. Thankfully, I felt God give me peace. I was looking for a certain verse and couldn’t find it. I opened up the Bible I used as a teenager. It’s still fragile—held together by duct tape threads…literally. I came across a great devotional. It read this to pray during a difficult time:

“Lord, I feel really stressed out because _______. I don’t know what to do. I’m tired and scared. The problem is too big for me to handle. Please take control of the situation. Give me your peace. Keep reminding me that you will take care of things. Amen.”
And it referenced Psalm 4:1

This was encouraging to me, so I thought I’d share.

Josh Bernstein

(My glasses were on the top of my head so that’s why the hat looks funny.)

This is Josh Bernstein, he’s the CEO of BOSS, an outdoor survival school. (which is very enticing to participate in although the cost is a bit much for my wallet.) Well, Josh is also the host of the History Channel’s Digging for the Truth. A show that explores past wonders such as stories behind Egypt Pyramids and looking into unfinished tales about historical characters such as Cleopatra, and some Biblical characters. Very interesting. One episode he went to the Easter Islands (thank you Marleigh) and said the air was the cleanest he’s ever breathed. I would love to visit there someday.

Anyway, this is my version of Mr. “McDreamy.” Nice eh? That’s one mighty fine Jewish boy.

The Last King of Scotland

I watched a movie about Idi Amin, a president of Uganda from 1971-1979.

I thought he was best summed up this way: On the special features segment on the dvd, a physician who treated him for a year said:

“I think he was at times what we called ‘hyper-matic.’ He was excited, he felt that he had a better understanding then most people of what was going on, and that his ideas which were on the whole fairly obvious, were in fact rather the ideas of a genius and that he owed it to the world to put the world right.

The fact that he talked so much—people who become excited, who have ideas of grandeur, who think they have the answers to complicated problems, and in sense loose touch with every day reality.”

This kind of person is: charismatic, intimidates, paranoid, a dictator, monstrous, has “followers,” charm, and some leadership qualities. They will joke with you, humor you, poof up your vanity to gain your confidence in them so they have your loyalty. You never know where he stands.

It was fascinating to learn about this character who actually did exist and was responsible for 300,000 deaths in Uganda. 12 of his ministers fled the country. He offered food aide to the British (Uganda offering help to Britain??) Amin died in 2003 while exiled in Saudi Arabia. They made the film in 2005.

The Scotsman’s role in the film is fictitious, but I related with him as I think anyone would: flattered by this person of power, the innocence of wanting to do good, confused by them, becoming trapped, then disgusted because you see them for who they really are. But the leader knows that and is already working behind your back to have you eliminated. To my surprise, I saw a lot of personality similarities to a person I once worked for. Now, I wasn’t executed, as Amin would’ve done, but this person had a bone to pick with me and wanted me eliminated. I also observed that Africa as a whole isn’t as poor as I thought. And confirmed my thoughts that everyone in the world are the same people—wherever you go.

I wasn't quite sure what I was getting into when I rented this--I had no idea what to expect. Minus a few parts, overall it was good, scary, a little revealing. Interestingly they had to make Forest Whitaker even blacker because Idi was black black. Forest is chocolate. ;)

Psalm 101

Psalm 101 I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs. I will be careful to live a blameless life— when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me. I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence. My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip
(someday, when I own my own home, I am going to print this & frame it.)

why do old people stare?

One day I was at the mall and while there got hungry. I sat down at the food court to eat what turned out to be nasty Chinese food and man, this ‘lovely’ little old couple sitting a few tables away, just enjoyed watching me eat my dinner I guess. Do old people just have nothing better to do? guess so. well, glad I could be of some entertainment for them.

my mini excursion

Once upon a time, in the heat of summer, on a day in June, I went out for a run/walk – you know, get out, enjoy the day and such. Well, I usually know my way around the area I run, but I chose to go down a road and see where it went. …I ended up getting lost. It was so funny. I really didn’t know where I was. I came across a police station, but as true as the small town is, it was closed. I ended up finding my way back. Later clocked it on my car… 8 miles. Needless to say I had gotten quite dehydrated and ended up asking a nice old man if I could take a drink from the garden hose in his front yard. I was a little tired once I made it home.
(fyi, this is not me!)

getting to it

i'm spamming myself. i've had many stories written down and saved to publish someday, and well, decided to clear that out & post it all.

I've got confidence

When trouble is in my way I can't tell the night from day I toss from side to side Like a ship on a raging tide I don't worry and I don't fret God has never failed me yet Troubles comin' from time to time But that's all right, 'cause I'm not the worrying kind Because I, I've got confidence, God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know He's gonna fix it for me Job was so sick so long Till the flesh fell from his bones His wife, cattle and children, Everything that he had was gone But Job he never dispaired He knew that God still cared Sleepless days and sleepless nights Job said honey that's all right 'Cause I've got confidence God is gonna see me through No matter what the case may be I know He's gonna fix it for me Some folks wonder how I smile Even though I'm going to trial How can I have song Everything is going wrong I don't worry and I don't fret God has never failed me yet Trouble's coming from time to time That's all right, I'm not the worrying kind 'Cause I've got confidence....
(an old Elvis song... thanks to my dad's sermon)

Shaq's Big Challenge pt.2

A hearty “good job” to those “Shaq’s Big Challenge” group of kids (the show on abc). Wow. I was proud of them! Chris.. little Cuban kid had the biggest transformation. But Walter did with his personality. He says he now has lots of friends and in his yearbook was voted “most popular” – this was a kid that previously had trouble maintaining eye contact, would stutter, was an all around video gamer. And I was glad to see that Kit cut her hair. Yay for those kids. They kick started some great habits. I hope they all keep it up. (there were no after pics of the kids, or I'd post that.)

And I was challenged by their president’s physical fitness times they had to meet for school—I am going to work on mine! So I think James had the most sit-ups at 37, Chris? Had the most push-ups, but Kit I think did 15 … and the girl with the best mile time was 9:52. so… I took my times and I’m going to publish them for the world to see!!! It’s called accountability. My sit-ups were 31, push-ups 10, and my mile was 11 some. (update: as of today, it was 10:54... 2nd update: Aug. 10 mile time: 10:30). So, I have some work to do & maybe … just maybe I’ll let you know when I meet or surpass these kids’ times. Kevin had an impressive 7:31 mile. But boys can outrun girls. So if I go mega with this getting fit stuff, maybe I’ll strive for that. (that’d be crazy amazing) but, for now I’m going for a 9 minuter.

Disclaimer: now don’t you go thinking I have anything against overweight people. I know that some truly have a health issue and have trouble. But there is also a majority that could do something about it, but they’re too busy, too lazy, too ignorant. Hey, it’s your body!

"prince charles"

I always crack up laughing til I'm in tears when I watch "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" when he does his Price Charles impersonation. I just don't like any dirty jokes.
this was the cleanest video I found that was posted. so don't mind the last part of the video. if I could cut that last part off I would.